
is an occasional publication

bibliophile is a curated publishing event

bibliophile is the (work of) the participats in bibliophile

bibliophile is y(ours)

2015 Plymouth Artist’s Book Fair, Plymouth, UK. With Ryan Curtis
2014 Counter - Plymouth, UK. With Mark Leahy
2012 Publish and Be Damned/Plymouth Art’s Book Fair - Plymouth, UK.

2011 Spike Island Artist’s Book Fair, Bristol, UK.  2010 Reading Room & project.arnolfini, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK. 


Folded, Glued & Printed 2008

Folded, Glued and Printed had been developed to grow from artists’ work, where artists were invited to repond to a request to submit artwork for pubilcation.

The process of curating the work starts with the artists submissions, is dialogical and collaborative and where appropriate, made visible as the publications is produced.

The publications are sold at cost and all rights remains with the artists.


A five day curated show with 14 artists, where the space of the Newlyn Art Gallery, Penzance, UK is to be used to 'curate' the artists' work into a publication. The theme of the call for the artist was to give attention to what sits to the side of the  artist’s main body of work. This was to explore the deeper context and potential discursive nature of an arts practice, the peripheral processes and research that artists use in producing work. Activities that are essential, dynamic and paramount to the individual’s practice. Realised in collaboration with artist Michael Donnelly and designer Erwin van Wanrooy. 

Contributers: Rachel Anderson, Sovay Berriman, Michael Donnelly, Andrea Facco, Simon Jaques, Thomas Qualmann, Gino Saccone, Alison Sharkey, Becky Shaw, Joanna Spitzner, Mark Vernon, Megan Wakefield, Daryl Waller

Co-producer - Michael DonnellyDesigner - Erwin van Wanrooy

Editorial Team - Alison Sharkey, Blair Todd & Cat Gibbard. 

Launched at Transitions, Newlyn Gallery, 2008

Click here for legacy project website
Porned, Galled & Cheeked

Compulsive and to the point, improper, rude and possibly coarse. Repetitive behavior, unsightly prose or exposing work can be explored. Compromising opinions and work are offered up.

Opinionated and forthright, compelled with a missive to deliver. This is the space for the soap box. Here venting, accusing and demanding are all welcome.


Past tense back chats, wayward and charming. Contents may include conversations, insane or extreme ideas, concepts or plans. This is the space to explore ironic writing, or to present a surprising new premise or scheme.

Contributers: Alex Schady, Sovay Berriman, Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter, Cathy Lomax, Alison Sharkey, Alison&James, Patrick Lowry, Emma Churchill, Plymothian Artists of Bristol Collective, Bruce Davies, Nina Ogden, Oliver Sutherland, Steven Paige, Michael Donnelly, Kitty Wingate, Simon Jaques, Chopstar

Launched at Spike Island Book Fair,  13 Sept, 2008.